Digital Account

Business account in pesos and in up to 7 other currencies

Our digital accounts are demand deposit accounts that give access to all banking products and services. It allows national and international transactions at low cost with the benefit of personalized attention.

In either of its two forms, our business accounts offer a complete solution to concentrate and simplify your banking operations in one place:

  • Digital account
  • Digital Account with Interest
Extended operating hours.
No opening commission or annual fee.
Competitive transaction fees.
Fast and secure recipient management.
Online validation system.
Electronic transfer of dollars to domestic banks and assisted operation in international transfers.
Tax payment.


Transfer and receive international payments with your Digital Master Account through BASEinet.

Trade in major currencies:

  • MXN - Mexican pes
  • USD - United States dollar
  • CAD - Canadian dollar
  • EUR - Euro
  • GBP - British Pound
  • CHF - Swiss Franc
  • JPY - Japanese Yen
  • CNY - Chinese Yuan
Same-day payment of dollars until 5:25 p.m.*, other currencies 24-hour settlement with capture at any time. *Central Time.
Bank transaction costs below the market level: only $2.50 USD for international reception and $5 USD for international transfer.
Network of correspondent banks
Personalized attention to advise you on your operations and ensure that your payments reach their destination.
Mass dispersion of payments in the main currencies
Bulk capture of recipients
Let's find a financial solution tailored to you.
Fill in your details and we will get in touch to advise you.

Producto Garantizado por el IPAB


Únicamente están garantizados por el Instituto para la Protección al Ahorro Bancario (IPAB), los depósitos bancarios de dinero: a la vista, retirables en días preestablecidos, de ahorro y a plazo o con previo aviso, así como los préstamos y créditos que acepte la institución, hasta por el equivalente a cuatrocientas mil unidades de inversión por persona, cualquiera que sea el número, tipo y clase de dichas obligaciones a su favor y a cargo de la institución de banca múltiple. Consulte más información sobre el IPAB en

UNE (UNIDAD ESPECIALIZADA DE ATENCIÓN A CLIENTES) Puedes contactar al: Teléfono: 800-925-2273 ó Ext. . Correos:,

CONDUSEF (Comisión Nacional para la Protección y defensa de los Usuarios de Servicios Financieros) Teléfonos 800-999-8080 y 55 5340-0999, o consultar la página electrónica en internet